
Comment and Opinion

Ehud Eiran – 18/03/2011


“Washington’s role in expediting the political exit of its longtime ally Hosni Mubarak aroused understandable anxiety in Israel. If the United States is willing to abandon a trusted friend like the former Egyptian president, wondered Israeli pundits and policymakers, might it not desert us just as quickly?

But such a fear may prevent us from seeing the true lesson emanating from Washington’s choice. The United States did not abandon Mubarak because their interests diverged; rather, it did it so despite their convergence. Washington’s move reflected a profound truth about the nature of its strategic alliances: They only last when the partner is a democracy, truly committed to human rights and the rule of law. Sure, the United States supported the Suhartos, the Pinochets and the Mubaraks of the world when it suited its national interests. In fact, driven by those interests, it still supports some non-democracies, such as Saudi Arabia.”

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