
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz: How to Solve the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza, by Moshe Arens


There is little doubt that the massive demonstrations at the Gaza fence these past few weeks and the resulting casualties are directly related to the humanitarian crisis of the Palestinians in the Strip. Amid this desperation, it’s easy for Hamas, the rulers of Gaza, to deflect the people’s anger away from them and turn it against Israel, with the vain promise that the people can escape their situation by breaking through the fence and returning to the homes of their ancestors in Israel. And if that seems impossible, why not try to burn Israel to the ground while you’re at it?

As for gaining sympathy around the world, where there is little sympathy for a massive return of Palestinian refugees to Israel, the alternate objective of breaking the Gaza blockade, presumably imposed by Israel and Egypt, seems like a worthy and credible objective that should arouse sympathy in much of the world. After all, why not lift the blockade of Gaza?

Read the full story at Haaretz.