
Comment and Opinion

YNet: This time, Trump is right, by Nahum Barnea


The world didn’t like US President Donald Trump’s speech. The Palestinians didn’t like it, leaders of Islamic states didn’t like it, Russian President Vladimir Putin didn’t like it, leaders of friendly European countries didn’t like it and neither did left-wing speakers in Israel and veteran American peace negotiators. With all due respect to their concerns, this time they are wrong. Trump is right.

He is right about the case in question: The world’s 70-year refusal to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a foolish mistake, the result of diplomatic cowardice and neglect on the part of Israel’s governments. It’s time to fix that mistake. Moreover, there is no agreement in sight. The argument that the speech harms the peace process is baseless, as there is no peace process going on.

The 11-minute speech was worded carefully. Trump read it from the teleprompter, without any improvisations or verbal attacks. Sticking to the text did him good.

Read the full article at YNet.