
Comment and Opinion

YNet: Mossad and Syrian reactor – sometimes, you just need a little luck, by Ronen Bergman


Syrian President Bashar Assad managed to hide it for years. The nuclear reactorhe was building with North Korea’s help in Deir ez-Zor was the Syrian regime’s top secret.

Assad may have been a serial gambler, but there’s one thing he didn’t gamble on: How much the Mossad and Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) knew about what was going on in his country.

Assad Jr. has become really obsessed with the Israeli intelligence, which he both loathes and admires. He is convinced that any telephone or digital message transmitted in Syria is intercepted by the Israeli intelligence. “He truly believed,” a senior Unit 8200 (the central SIGINT AMAN division) says with a smile, “that every time Mustafa called Muhammad, Moishele was listening.”

Read the full article in YNet.