

IDF intercepts Gaza bound yacht without violence


The Israeli Navy boarded the French yacht, ‘Dignite – Al Karame’, in the Mediterranean Sea en-route to Gaza this morning, without a violent incident. The small boat left Greece on Sunday, telling Greek authorities they were heading for Egypt. They subsequently changed course and declared their intention to sail to Gaza and breach Israel’s maritime closure. The IDF called on the boat to change course before they boarded. They offered the boat the opportunity to dock at the Israeli port of Ashdod, or the Egyptian port of El Arish, and transfer any humanitarian aid through land crossings. The boat is now likely to be taken to Ashdod.

Yesterday the spokeswoman of the boat said that the voyage’s only goal was to make a “political statement.” On board there are 10 passengers and three crew including journalists from Al-Jazeera and one Israeli journalist. Most of the boats and participants intending to participate in the flotilla abandoned their plans over the past few weeks after being prevented from sailing by Greek authorities. According to international legal authorities, Israel’s maritime closure on Gaza is legal and Israel has the right to enforce it. Israel’s maritime closure is in place to prevent Hamas and other militant groups bringing weapons into the Gaza Strip. Both Israel and Egypt have relaxed restrictions on their land border crossings with Gaza in the past year

For background briefing on the flotilla and the situation in Gaza: www.bicom.org.uk/gaza