
Comment and Opinion

Guardian: We protested against violence in Gaza, but this time we weren’t called traitors, by Joshua Sobol


“News of a ceasefire has come as a relief to us on the Israeli left, who have always argued that armed conflict is not the answer. The latest violence in the south of Israel and the Gaza Strip felt to many of us like the resurgence of a malignant condition. Just as with previous eruptions it could only cause more destruction, bloodshed and despair to both parties, unless stopped promptly, giving wayto a long-term ceasefire agreement. It is still not clear if that is what we have, so our relief is tinged with apprehension. But there are lessons to draw from our experience of protesting against the violence.

As the fighting began, conversations with friends confirmed that we shared the same baleful feeling of the country dashing headlong into a useless, bloody quagmire. We hastened to put our feelings into words in a petition, stating: ‘The duty of the government is to protect the life of the citizens, but it has chosen the wrong way to do it. Quiet and calm were always the result of dialogue and agreement.'”

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