
Comment and Opinion

Huff Post UK: Why Europe Is Wrong About Jerusalem, by Toby Greene


“On Wednesday at the UN, the representatives of Britain, France, Germany and Portugal expressed their strong opposition to further announcements by the Israeli government of plans for new construction in East Jerusalem. They reiterated particular concerns, expressed in a statement by EU foreign ministers last week, about plans to build in E1, a sensitive area of 12 square kilometres extending into the West Bank just east of Jerusalem.

European governments are right when they say that neither side should take unilateral acts which could undermine the viability of a two-state agreement. The Palestinians should refrain from trying to impose their version of a solution through UN resolutions, and Israel should refrain from trying to impose theirs by building in new areas of the territory under dispute.

European foreign ministers said as much in last week’s statement, emphasising that a solution to the conflict, including on borders, must be agreed by the parties.

But they also said something else which undermines their own logic. Not only has Europe expressed dismay at building in E1, but it has also been rehearsing the Palestinian argument that building in E1 would be ‘jeopardizing the possibility of a contiguous and viable Palestinian state and of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states.'”

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