
Comment and Opinion

Jerusalem Post: ‘There are no two sides. We are brothers,’ by MK Dov Lipman


“Eight years ago, my wife and I took our four children, hugged our parents, said goodbye to all our friends and family, and boarded a flight full of new olim from the United States, chartered by Nefesh B’Nefesh. We took our seats, and the captain began to describe the flight plan in detail. At the end of his speech, he said: ‘Rest, relax, and enjoy the flight. I’m taking you home.’

I’m taking you home. After 2,000 years of exile, we were on our way home to the Land of Israel, to the State of Israel.

We arrived with a Zionist spirit and with the hope of a better Jewish life. We decided to leave the United States, choosing instead to be part of the Jewish Zionist project, the State of Israel. We found an amazing and unique country, but it is impossible to ignore the problems we face here in our homeland.”

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