
Comment and Opinion

The Telegraph: Kerry scores a win in the peace process, by Alan Johnson


“There has been a very interesting development with the Arab Peace Initiative (API). An Arab League delegation led by the Qatari PM met yesterday with John Kerry and Joe Biden and announced what is in effect an amendment of the API. From now on the future borders of Israel and Palestine will include agreed land swaps. Both sides also expressed support for Abbas in the peace process and for Kerry’s planned economic package for the Palestinians.

Qatari Prime Minister Sheik al-Thani said that the delegation agreed to the possibility of ‘comparable,’ mutually agreed and ‘minor’ land swaps between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

John Kerry hailed the talks saying, ‘We’ve had a very positive, very constructive discussion’. He confirmed: ‘The Arab League delegation affirmed … the two-state solution on the basis of the 4th of June 1967 line,…”

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