
Comment and Opinion

Ynet: Israel must change the structure of the peace process, by Ami Ayalon


Although in recent days the peace negotiations appear to be headed to a final collapse, the latest proposals for preserving them – implementing the fourth batch of the prisoner release, the possibility of freeing Jonathan Pollard and the release of hundreds of additional prisoners in the coming months – clarify in the most reliable manner that the negotiations have become a goal in itself.

None of those involved in the process in Israel, in the United States and in the Palestinian Authority believe that continuing the negotiations in their current format will lead to a peace agreement. Nevertheless, all the partners are participating in this theater of the absurd unwillingly, as if they have no other choice.

The process in its current outline has failed because it was built on the erroneous premise that the negotiations will make it possible to build mutual trust, and bridge the existing gaps between the sides’ different stances. According to this premise, progress will only be made as a result of negotiations and mutual agreement.

Read the article in full at Ynet.