
Comment and Opinion

Times of Israel: Netanyahu sounds like a man whose mind is made up, by David Horovitz

WASHINGTON — Early on Monday evening, Channel 2’s credible correspondent Udi Segal reported that he had been briefed by a senior American intelligence official to the effect that Israel has already made up its mind to attack Iran – unless there is a significant change in the Iranian nuclear drive in the coming weeks and months.

Sources in Netanyahu’s circle swiftly rubbished the notion, describing the story, with its doomsday predictions of regional and even world war, as a “scare tactic” – part of an effort by some in the American hierarchy to tie Israel’s hands.

Listening to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to AIPAC later on Monday night, however, one could easily imagine that here was a leader whose mind was indeed made up, or very close to it, about the imminent imperative to act decisively to thwart Iran. The Channel 2 story, in the context of the prime minister’s strident remarks, did not sound risible at all.

No one, Netanyahu told the vast audience, could afford to wait much longer. Sanctions were not working. And a nuclear Iran was an intolerable danger.

Read the article in full at Times of Israel.