
Comment and Opinion

Ynetnews.com: Don’t count on Egypt, by Ron Ben-Yishai


How should Israel curb and respond to strikes from Sinai and border attacks without prompting a grave deterioration in our relationship with Egypt and jeopardizing the peace process?

By now it’s clear that the Egyptians won’t be doing the job for us – not because they don’t want to, but rather, because they cannot. Their control in central and eastern Sinai is weak. Hence, the IDF and Shin Bet must do the job of thwarting terror attacks if they want it to be done efficiently.

In order to do this, Israel needs an active system comprising three components: An effective fence (half of it is already built,) thorough intelligence gathering from the air and on the ground, and the ability to use air, ground and possibly naval forces to hit terrorists. In short, a similar arsenal to what is used by Israel on the Gaza Strip border.