
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz: ‘Diskin’s gun’, by Ari Shavit


“Diskin is an Israeli who has earned his keep. He was an outstanding head of the Shin Bet security service who worked day and night in defense of the country and its people. But Diskin is also an aggressive man who acted brutally when he detained national security adviser Uzi Arad and when he pursued Haaretz journalist Uri Blau. This time, however, the aggressiveness of our No. 1 secret policeman was particularly foolish – it harmed the cause he was seeking to advance.

In his speech in Kfar Sava on Friday, Diskin tried to empty the ammunition from the Israeli gun threatening Iran with a military strike. But it was that loaded gun that made the international community impose a diplomatic and economic siege on Iran. So by trying to neutralize the military-option gun, Diskin actually increased the risk that the gun will be fired in the near future. Rather than making the prospect of an Israeli assault on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility more remote, he did the opposite.”

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