
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz: ‘Is Iran just an excuse for Israel’s new unity government?’, by Amos Harel


“Only a little more than a month ago, after Mofaz was elected chairman of Kadima, he told Haaretz’s Yossi Verter in an interview that at least two years still remained to deal with the Iranian threat. Mofaz has made clear that he does not share Netanyahu’s and Barak’s sense of urgency that a decision must be made even before this year is out.

But now that political considerations have caused him to bend so much, will he be able to stand tall again if a decision to attack must be made?

There is practically no ideological component in the dispute over how to deal with Iran. This debate is strategic and personal. The entire Israeli leadership, past and present, agrees that an Israeli military attack should not be ruled out as a last resort. The debate is over whether Israel should act relatively soon, despite clear U.S. opposition.”

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