
Comment and Opinion

Huff Post: Iran Is a Nuclear Threat to the West, by Toby Greene


“The reported comments by MI6 chief Sir John Sawyers that Iran would likely achieve nuclear weapons by 2014 only confirm what was indisputable to anyone who has looked at the evidence. Iran wants nuclear weapons and is fast developing the capacity to construct them. This is not based on shady intelligence or dodgy dossiers. The evidence of Iran’s nuclear weapons programme was scrutinised for years by the IAEA – a cautious multilateral body not given to alarmism – before they declared it ‘credible’ in a detailed report published in November 2011.

This was nearly ten years after Iran’s secret and illegal uranium enrichment facility at Netanz, and heavy water reactor at Arak were first uncovered in 2002. These facilities were not necessary for its legitimate civilian nuclear programme, but were important for developing the fuel for nuclear weapons. It was this discovery that set the IAEA inspectors on the trail of Iran’s true intentions. Iran’s failure to disclose the Natanz and Arak facilities were only the most blatant of many Non-Proliferation Treaty breaches, leading the IAEA to declare Iran ‘non-compliant’ with its commitments in 2005.”

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