
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz: Misunderstanding America, By Moshe Arens


“The self-appointed experts on American-Israeli relations are wrong again. According to them these relations have sunk to a new low, and the Netanyahu government is doing inestimable damage to a relationship which, as all recognize, is an integral part of Israel’s security.

Is this wishful thinking, just plain malice, or simply ignorance? Giving these “experts” the benefit of the doubt, their mistaken analysis may be ascribed to a phenomenon called “tunnel vision,” or not seeing the forest for the trees. They are focusing on yesterday’s rhetoric and ignoring the vast areas of agreement that connect the two countries. The foundation of the relationship between the United States and Israel are the common ideals and values which the two countries share.

The believers in realpolitik might take exception to this statement, insisting that in the final analysis it is interests that determine relationships between nations. However, they should take note that unlike most countries, the United States is, and has been for generations, motivated in large measure by its values and ideals when it comes to determining its policies. And it should come as no surprise that common values and common ideals also make for common strategic interests. That is certainly the case when it comes to America and Israel. They share common values and ideals and have common strategic interests.”

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