
Comment and Opinion

Ynet News: IDF must boost Sinai intel, by Ron Ben-Yishai


Friday’s terror attack, which claimed the life of Corporal Netanel Yahalomi, was carried out at one of the more problematic points along the Israel-Egypt border – the steep and oblique Mount Harif region. In the original plan the new security fence was not supposed to wind through the whole region due to the high cost of flattening the land and blocking the wadis that cross it. However, when the terror threat from Sinai became more and more apparent, the government decided that the fence would run through the entire area.

For this reason, and because of the problematic terrain, the segment of the fence where Friday’s attack occurred has not been completed yet. There are still a few gaps, and the terrorists from Sinai used one of them to infiltrate and surprise IDF soldiers who left their post to offer water to African infiltrators. The ensuing gunfight left Yahalomi and thee terrorists dead.

Read the full article at Ynet News.