
Comment and Opinion

Ynet: Warning from above, by Alex Fishman


“Some entity, apparently drone, which was apparently Iranian made, was shot down a mere 30 kilometers from the Dimona reactor. This will give Nasrallah and his masters a cause for celebration.

Israel, which threatens Iran and flies regularly over Lebanon to take photos, received a warning on Saturday: We too can fly above you, take photos and reach your most sensitive sites, so don’t mess with us.

Naturally, Israel is withholding information regarding the penetration of the drone into its airspace, because at this very moment professionals in Iran and Lebanon are waiting for every bit of information regarding the drone’s flight and the manner in which it was shot down in order to draw operational lessons: Where are the Israeli air defense’s weak spots? What are the weaknesses of the drone itself?

Meanwhile in Israel, engineers and intelligence officials are reassembling the drone. It is not every day that you get an opportunity to study a product of Iranian technology so thoroughly and see how far they have come.”

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