
Comment and Opinion

Dan Margalit – 24/08/2011


The Israel Defense Forces was in the midst of various activities, possibly even planning some surprises for the enemy, when the government pressed the pause button even before the get-go and chose to adopt a trial-and-error method. Hamas initiated the cease-fire in a direct appeal to Egypt. It is the first time the group has done so since the latest round of all-too-common fighting began – even though the group said it never even fired. This marks a new development, and we must examine Hamas’s true intentions, particularly why it took this step.

Meanwhile, Tahrir Square teems with animosity toward Israel, and Egypt’s Supreme Military Council deliberates between pleasing the ignorant masses and making reasonable decisions. Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the head of the ruling Supreme Military Council, asked Israel not to harm Hamas, as it would create a burden on his regime and reduce its sway over public opinion. Israel is aware that the military council controlling Egypt is losing strength and standing. Yet Jerusalem does not have the luxury of exhibiting indifference to the prospect that Tantawi and Co. could leave the scene too early. Delaying this scenario is infinitely preferable to the radical Islam that would replace the council.”

For the full piece, please go to Israel Hayom