
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz Editorial


A Double-edged Sword (Haaretz Editorial)  –  “Defense Minister Ehud Barak took up his post about four years ago. During his term, Israel has taken action against the Syrian nuclear facility and embarked on Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. After Benjamin Netanyahu formed his government, which Barak joined despite his promises to the voters of the Labor Party, which he led at the time, the Netanyahu-Barak duo began work on a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Now Barak says, contrary to the opinion of defense experts, Israel has less than a year to act.

The international response indicates that the sword Barak is polishing is double-edged. If once we could believe in Israeli-American military cooperation on the matter and shared goals at the highest level, Barak’s campaign has opened a substantial gap between the two countries’ leaders.”

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