
Comment and Opinion

Haaretz: Gaza incident was a blown Israeli military op, not an assassination attempt, by Amos Harel


The immediate question that arises after the incident in the Gaza Strip, where six Hamas men and one Israeli officer were killed, is: Why now?

The operation, deep inside the Strip, was conducted in the midst of efforts to reach a long-term cease-fire in Gaza. It also took place hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was participating in an important international conference in Paris, explained in a lengthy and fairly convincing speech why he thinks every effort should be expended to reach an agreement in Gaza and not go to war.

Officially, Israel provides no answer to this question. The Palestinians are dispatching detailed information about the incident, but at least some of the reports seem to be mistaken. It is interesting to note, then, the series of appearances by Maj. Gen. Tal Rousso. The former chief of Southern Command, Rousso spent most of his military career in special, elite unites and does not give many media appearances. If he chose to show his public face on a night like this night, it is likely that he is helping someone send a message.

Read the full article at Haaretz.