
Comment and Opinion

Ynet: Jordan’s king is left isolated and weak, at our peril, by Smadar Perry


King Abdullah II of Jordan has already complained three times that he failed to obtain any information from the Trump administration about the peace plan dubbed “the deal of the century” when he went to Washington two months ago.

When Abdullah tried to extract some information about Jordan’s role in the long-delayed proposal, the Americans apparently were extremely evasive and didn’t give him any details.

Thus, unlike Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – who is quite certain not only of his country’s role in the peace agreement but also in his relations with Washington – Abdullah has no one to consult with on this issue.

After an Arabic daily Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Qabas, revealed a secret plan meant to harm the top officials in the Jordanian government, Abdullah embarked on a mission to make a series of dramatic changes.

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