
Comment and Opinion

YNet: Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ fails to address the problem, by Ben-Dror Yemini


Sunday’s protest at Battery Park, Manhattan, began with an impressive Jewish presence, with signs such as “We’re all Jews, we’re all Muslims, we’re all refugees.” But as time went by, it turned into a demonstration of veteran members of Occupy Wall Street, with many signs showing US President Donald Trump with a Hitler mustache. More than sympathy towards refugees, it was an act of disdain towards Trump.

If we thought the polarization of the election campaign would start fading away, the opposite appears to be happening: The crisis is only getting worse, splitting the entire United States.

The Obama administration’s US did not take in masses of refugees either—the million people who received an immigration visa last year included only 85,000 refugees. A total of 12,587 refugees arrived from Syria, and less than 40,000 arrived from Muslim countries altogether. The US was blocked to refugees in general, and to Muslims in particular, during Obama’s days too, and Trump simply blocked it a bit more, for three months, in order to improve the examination and screening processes. The average refugee quota during the days of the Obama administration was 70,000, and Trump has announced a quota of 50,000 for 2017. That’s not a dramatic change.

Read the full article at YNet.