
Comment and Opinion

Zvi Bar’el – 14/09/2011


“Erdogan called countries ‘which are not working to lift the blockade on Gaza,’ ‘partners to this crime.” Erdogan was alluding to European countries and to the United States, which he denounced a few days ago for ignoring the killing of Turkish citizens. He also alluded to Arab countries that he said were not working to lift the blockade.

Erdogan also said the establishment of a Palestinian state was ‘not an option but a necessity’.

Despite the frequent applause by the Arab League foreign ministers, some faces must have blanched when Erdogan said: ‘The Turks and the Arabs are linked by brotherhood for hundreds of years. We share the same culture and the same faith …’

Collective memory in Arab countries has not forgotten Ottoman rule, which is blamed for the backwardness of the Arab world. An Ottoman sultanate or modern Turkey are not quite what the protesters in Tahrir Square longed for. That might be the reason that Al Jazeera twice interrupted the broadcast of Erdogan’s speech.

Just as important as what Erdogan said is what he did not say. He did not close the door on rehabilitating relations with Israel. He did not delineate Turkey’s intentions with regard to protecting freedom of movement in the Mediterranean. He did not boast about expelling the Israeli ambassador nor did he pour salt on Egypt’s wounds over the attack on Israel’s Cairo embassy.”

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