
Media Summary

Palestinians urge Israel to free prisoners during exploratory talks


The most reported item of Israel related news in today’s British print editions is the uncertainty surrounding Hamas following reports that its political leader, Khaled Meshaal, is to step down. The FT, Independent, and Telegraph carry this story, with the Telegraph reporting that he may stand for leadership of the PLO. The Guardian has a report alleging mistreatment of juvenile prisoners accused of stone throwing in the West Bank in the Israeli military court system. The Times reports that a senior member of the Saudi royal family has warned of a nuclear arms race across the Middle East if Iran acquires nuclear weapons. Online, the UK press report on the divisions within the Arab league over Syria, and the sailing of Western warships through the Straits of Hormuz. BBC online also report on the forthcoming EU decision to stop Iranian oil imports.

In the Sunday papers, the Sunday Times claimed Israel will give the US just 12 hours notice if it decides to attack Iran, Both the Sunday Times and Telegraph looked at the financial implications for Iran ahead of tomorrow’s  EU meeting over Iranian oil sanctions, whilst the Observer reported on a construction boom in Gaza. BBC online had the confirmation of Egyptian election results giving the Islamic parties around two thirds of the Parliament.

The Israeli media widely reports on the resistance of residents of the Migron settlement outpost to accept plans for their removal. Yediot Ahronot leads with a story claiming disagreements between Prime Minister Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz on the choice of the next head of the Israeli Air Force. Maariv also reports on decisions regarding the deportation of the families of foreign workers, and the latest developments in the Israeli-Palestinian exploratory peace talks. Israel Hayom and the Jerusalem Post carry front page reports on PM Netanyahu’s call for an investigation into a Palestinian Mufti who allegedly called for Muslims to kill Jews. The Jerusalem Post also prominently reports the Arab League call on Assad to delegate his powers in Syria. Haaretz has an additional story claiming that a meeting between representatives of the British Jewish community and President Abbas was cancelled under pressure from the Israeli prime minister’s office.  The papers and broadcast media also widely report on the cold snap hitting Israel, with heavy snow that brought travel chaos in the north of the country yesterday. The Jerusalem Post also report on a planned visit by Khaled Meshaal to Gaza, and attempts by IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz to coordinate international action against weapons smuggling to Gaza.