
Media Summary

Iran trying to hide evidence of nuclear tests, sources say


In today’s UK media the Daily Telegraph and Guardian online report on the IAEA satellite data apparently showing the removal of evidence linked to nuclear weapons testing. Additional reports follow up from US-Israel summit meeting earlier this week. The Daily Telegraph claims the US set a deadline of one year to stop the Iranian nuclear programme, after which they will drop their opposition to military action against Iran. The paper quotes an Israeli official claiming this concession represents a significant shift in US policy. BBC online, Reuters, Guardian and the Daily Telegraph online all cover the defection of Syria’s Deputy Oil Minister, the first high ranking civilian official to abandon President Bashar al-Assad. The Independent and Telegraph also quote UN humanitarian chief Baroness Amos describing the city of Homs as ‘completely devastated’. The Independent, Daily Telegraph, and the Times report on a journalist arrested in New Delhi in connection to an attack last month on the vehicle of the Israeli embassy. Meanwhile the Guardian prints a letter comparing Israel and US’s potential war preparations against Iran as ‘terrifyingly reminiscent’ to the build up to war with Iraq. The letter is signed by numerous anti Israel campaigners including MP Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway and Jenny Tonge.


The Israeli media extensively covers the Associated Press report regarding IAEA concern that Iran is covering up the testing of a nuclear trigger. Yediot Ahronot refers to the images as a ‘smoking gun’, suggesting this proves Iran is secretly pursuing nuclear weapons. Ma’ariv leads on a ‘secret deal’ reached between Israeli and US leaders earlier this week, whereby the US supplies Israel with new bunker-busting bombs and refuelling aircrafts. This would allow Israel to postpone an operation against Iranian nuclear facilities. Haaretz leads on domestic polling highlighting Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Likud party’s increasing popularity. For the first time Kadima leadership candidate Shaul Mofaz garners more public support than the party’s current leader Tzipi Livni. The same poll also states 58% believe Israel should not attack Iran without US support. Ma’ariv reports that on the sidelines of this week’s summit meeting, US President Barack Obama personally thanked Israeli envoy Yitzchak Molcho for interceding on behalf of US volunteers arrested in Cairo earlier this year. Ynet and the Jerusalem Post reveal Mossad has warned Turkish intelligence agency of an Iranian plan to attack Israeli diplomats in Turkey. Haaretz and Ynet also cover a meeting between the Jordanian Foreign Minister and Palestinian Authority chairman Abu Mazen who told him there would be no return to negotiations with Israel without a settlement freeze.