
Media Summary

Toulouse shooter linked to Jihadi groups


All of the UK media continues its coverage of the siege in southern France. The Financial Times note the killer has been known to security forces for several years. The Guardian mentions the suspect having been turned down by the French army in the past. The Independent looks at radicalisation in France, claiming over 80 French nationals are being trained by the Pakistani Taliban. The Times comments on the difficulty of tracking down a ‘lone wolf’ attacker. The Guardian has a reflective piece on French society by Rabbi David Meyer and another piece on the significance to the French Presidential elections later this year. The Israel based correspondents of the Times, Telegraph and Independent cover the funeral of the four Jewish victims in Jerusalem. In other news, BBC notes US warnings to Syria to comply with the latest UN statement or face more pressure. The Times reports on a Reagan-era US official imprisoned for attempting to sell space secrets to Israel. The Guardian notes a report on settler violence by European diplomats. Several papers cover the controversy over Ken Livingstone’s comments on ‘rich Jews’.

The Israel media also continues to follow the Toulouse story. Both Israel Hayom and Yediot Ahronot cover on their front pages the profile of the alleged shooter and the funerals of those killed in the attack. Ma’ariv includes commentary from Labour MK Daniel Ben Simon noting that despite the thriving Jewish community in France, perhaps one of the most successful minority community in Europe, they are gripped with a sense of fragility. Israel Hayom continues its coverage and criticism of EU foreign affairs chief Baroness Catherine Ashton. In other news Yediot Ahronot is of the opinion that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will call early elections in September, noting difficult issues on the agenda for the coalition including integrating ultra orthodox in the army and passing the next budget. Ma’ariv and Haaretz focus on the race for the Kadima leadership, which is heating up ahead of next Tuesday’s vote. Haaretz and Jerusalem Post cover a High Court appeal challenging the government’s compromise solution on removing settlers from the Migron outpost. The second also relates to a High Court ruling preventing settlers from using an Ottoman law for claiming ownership of land if they have used it for farming. Both Yediot Ahronot and Haaretz highlight the anti war, ‘Israel loves Iran’ campaign. Haaretz also notes the continued threat of terrorism emanating from the Sinai. Ynet reports a Kassam rocket and two mortar shell exploded last night in southern Israel. No one was injured and no damage was caused.