

Netanyahu, Lapid, Bennett in late night talks but no agreement yet


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met yesterday evening with Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett, but the three have not yet concluded a deal which would see the formation of a new government.

Netanyahu, who heads the Likud-Beitenu faction, met with Yesh Atid leader Lapid and Jewish Home head Bennett in Jerusalem and were joined by Yisrael Beitenu leader Avigdor Lieberman. The meeting reportedly lasted just over two hours, ending past midnight with negotiating teams from all three factions working into the night. According to Israel Hayom, disagreements over details of a plan to draft ultra-Orthodox religious students and ministerial portfolios remain. Although Bennett has apparently persuaded Lapid to drop his demand to become foreign minister and take the finance portfolio instead, Yesh Atid want to take control of the education ministry, which Netanyahu wishes to retain for current education minister Gideon Sa’ar, who topped the Likud primaries.

Meanwhile, both Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post report that Likud-Beitenu and Yesh Atid must still iron out details over the number of ministers in the new government, with Yesh Atid apparently prepared to accept more than the 18-minister limit it had first demanded, but unwilling to agree to a 26-minister government being suggested by Likud-Beitenu.

Ynet suggests that talks will resume between the party leaders today and that “progress” was made during last night’s negotiations. Meanwhile, Avigdor Lieberman said yesterday “There is no doubt that this week the Knesset will vote to approve the new government” and predicted, “I suppose by Tuesday, this whole matter will be settled.” It is widely reported that Netanyahu will initially fill the role of foreign minister himself, effectively holding it for Lieberman, who is currently fighting corruption charges in court.