

Israeli leaders pay tribute to Nelson Mandela


Israel’s President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu both paid tribute to Nelson Mandela, who died last night aged 95.

South African President Jacob Zuma announced the death of the country’s iconic former leader and symbol of the post-Apartheid era, saying “Our nation has lost its greatest son; our people have lost their father.” Shortly afterwards, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Mandela “will be remembered as the father of the new South Africa and as a highly important moral leader,” calling him “a figure that set one of the greatest examples in our time… a man of vision, a freedom fighter who opposed violence.” Netanyahu added “He worked to heal the tears in South African society and succeeded with his personality to prevent outbreaks of racial hatred.”

Meanwhile, President Peres, who met fellow Nobel peace laureate Mandela during a state visit to Israel in 1999 said, “The world has lost a venerable leader who changed the path of history… Nelson Mandela fought for human rights and left his mark on the war against discrimination and racism.” He added, “Mandela’s legacy to his people and to the world will remain etched in the pages of history.”

Mandela disapproved of the State of Israel’s relationship with the Apartheid-era government in South Africa and was also a staunch supporter of Palestinian independence. However, he said in 1993, “we recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism just as we recognize the legitimacy of Zionism as a Jewish nationalism.” During his state visit to Israel in 1999, Mandela advocated Israeli withdrawal from lands captured during the 1967 Six Day Way, commenting “I understand completely well why Israel occupies these lands. There was a war. But if there is going to be peace, there must be complete withdrawal from all of these areas.” However, at the same time he insisted on Israel’s right to security, saying “I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel within secure borders.”