

Euro Parliament President reiterates Israel support despite Jewish Home walkout


Jewish Home MKs yesterday walked out of a Knesset speech by European Parliament President Martin Schulz, accusing him of “lies” regarding water provision in the West Bank.

Schulz, who delivered his speech in German, quoted a Palestinian youth who had asked him why Israelis receive four times as much water as Palestinians. Schulz said that “I haven’t checked the data …  I’m asking you if this is correct.” MKs Orit Struck and Mordechai Yogev heckled Schultz and party leader Naftali Bennett ordered his parliamentarians to leave the plenum, later calling on Schultz to “take back his lies.” Bennett also objected to Schulz’s criticism of Israeli restrictions on goods entering the Gaza Strip, saying Schulz ignored the incessant rocket fire from Gaza.

Regarding the statistics for water provision quoted by Schulz, Israel Water Authority spokesman Uri Schor said “The figures are wrong.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also said that “even the Palestinian Water Authority says the discrepancy is much smaller” than that suggested by Schultz. Netanyahu commented that Schultz “suffers from the same selective listening as many Europeans,” by accusing Israel without checking the facts.

However, despite the controversy, Schultz used his speech to express clear support for Israel. He said, “The European Union (EU) will always stand by the State of Israel … Israeli society is built on the values of freedom and democracy, which tie it to Europe. Israel is a strong democracy with a modern economy. You made the desert bloom, and Israeli research leads in many areas.” He also reiterated that as far as the EU is concerned, “There is no boycott, and no boycott is under consideration. I believe we need to cooperate.”

Meanwhile, the Jewish Home walkout was sharply criticised by Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog, who told Army Radio that it was “shameful and scandalous … my colleagues and I were embarrassed.” Meretz leader Zahava Galon sarcastically critiqued Jewish Home anger that Schultz “dared to say that Israel needs to think about its relationship with the Palestinians.”