

UK-Israel strategic dialogue held in London


Details were released yesterday of a gathering of senior UK and Israeli officials held last week, at which strategic issues of common interest between the two countries were discussed.

The UK-Israel Strategic Dialogue was being held for the fourth time. Hosted by the Foreign Office Permanent Under-Secretary and Head of the Diplomatic Service Simon Fraser, a team of UK officials from across government welcomed an Israeli delegation led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director General Rafi Barak.

Speaking after the event, Fraser explained the purpose of the gathering, saying “The Dialogue shows clearly that Britain and Israel are – as the Foreign Secretary has said – strategic partners, working together on many issues of shared concern, and talking constructively on the areas of difference.”

Outlining some of the topics covered, Fraser added, “Today we focused on regional questions, including how to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, and how to bring an end to the bloodshed in Syria. We also looked at bilateral cooperation, agreeing numerous steps to bolster our already-strong relations in areas like science and technology. And we discussed the Middle East Peace Process, where our governments agree on the goal of a peace based on the two state solution and on the security of Israel, but where we disagree on issues like settlements and restrictions on Gaza.”

Reflecting a common concern for both countries, Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday underlined the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran. During his visit to the Gulf States, Cameron commented, “If Iran is embarked on trying to acquire a nuclear weapon, as I believe it is, that is a threat in itself, particularly given what Iran has said about other countries in the region, and in particular about Israel… In itself it is a hugely concerning development, a desperately bad development for our world.”