

Israel lodges complaint to UN against Syria over recent border provocations


Israel’s Deputy Ambassador to the UN, Haim Waxman sent an official letter of complaint to the United Nation’s secretary general and the President of the UN Security Council against Syria over the attempted border infiltrations that took place on Sunday in the Golan Heights along the border with Israel and Syria. In the letter, Waxman wrote that the incident could not have taken place without the knowledge of the Syrian authorities and this reflects a “blatant attempt” by Syria to distract attention from its internal repression and violent attacks on its own population that is currently taking place.

In addition, Waxman wrote that the responsibility lay with the government of Syria for not preventing the breach of an agreed disengagement line in accordance with international obligations and Security Council resolutions. “Israel calls on the international community to convey a clear message to Syria that such provocations carry serious potential for escalation and must cease completely. We expect the government of Syria to take all measures to prevent such dangerous incidents from reoccurring in the future,” the letter said.

Meanwhile, yesterday Prime Minister David Cameron said Britain and France were set to present a revised resolution to the United Nations on Wednesday condemning Syria for its deadly crackdown on protesters. UN diplomats in New York said the new text is aimed at winning more support for the resolution in the UN Security Council, avoiding a Russian veto. Cameron told the House of Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions that the two nations object to the actions of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government and would be offering the new resolution “condemning the repression and demanding accountability and humanitarian action.”