

Liam Fox calls for tougher sanctions on Iran


Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox on Sunday said the UK is pushing for tougher international sanctions against Iran and described the possibility of a nuclear ‘disaster.’ Fox linked the ability to impose more sanctions to progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. ‘The United Kingdom is pushing for stronger sanctions to influence Iran, but the importance of the Middle East peace process should not be overlooked,’ Fox told the Herzliya Conference, an annual Israeli security forum. Fox also linked regional conflicts in the Middle East to Britain’s national security. ‘What happens here can have a direct impact on the national security of the United Kingdom – our prosperity and the safety of our citizens,’ he said. ‘Threats originating in one part of the globe can become threats in all parts of the globe.’

Fox criticised Iran’s obstruction and unwillingness to find a diplomatic solution to its controversial nuclear programme. ‘We want a negotiated solution.’ he said. ‘But Iran needs to change its approach fundamentally if we are to achieve that outcome … We will not look away, and we will not back down.’ Fox also noted the importance of regional cooperation and the need to ensure that Iran’s neighbours are not undermining international efforts.

Finally, Fox stressed the importance of UK-Israel relations. ‘We enjoy a strong bilateral defence relationship with Israel. This is a relationship that, thankfully, is growing and maturing. It is a relationship that enables our operations, and in some cases, keeps British troops alive in Afghanistan,’ he said.