

Syria reaches agreement with Arab League to halt the violence


Syrian state-run television reported yesterday that Syria and the Arab League have reached an agreement to end the violence in Syria. The official announcement is expected to take place today in Cairo at the headquarters of the Arab League.

An Arab League committee met on Sunday with a Syrian delegation led by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and proposed the plan to end the violence and government oppression on civilians. Meanwhile, reports from the Arab League delegation indicate that Syria has still not accepted the proposal. According to a diplomat involved in the proposal, Syria added new points to the plan, which included ending the media war between Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera and to stop the smuggling from neighbouring countries like Lebanon and Jordan to anti-government protesters. As part of the proposal, the Arab League are seeking a release of political prisoners in Syria, a withdrawal of the government security forces, the deployment of Arab League monitors and the renewal of dialogue between the government and anti-government protesters.

It is estimated that more than 3000 people have been killed by the Syrian government’s crackdown on protesting civilians.