

UN Security Council members say Iran is violating conditions of nuclear programme


UN Security Council members on Wednesday denounced Iran’s failure to abide by UN resolutions demanding an end to the possible weaponisation of its nuclear programme. The US, Germany, France and Britain joined forces in exposing Tehran’s advanced 20-per-cent uranium enrichment, which is considered military weapons grade.  The UN said that Tehran has not been transparent and failed to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which recently submitted a report that Iran continued to make advances in uranium enrichment.

German ambassador to the UN, Peter Wittig said that his government was concerned by Iran’s nuclear desires and said that the latest IAEA report was “consistent and credible” regarding Iran’s nuclear achievements. US ambassador Susan Rice said Iran continued to defy the IAEA and that the installation of a uranium enrichment facility in Qom was a “clear provocation”.

Meanwhile, Fereidoon Abbasi, head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, said yesterday that Tehran will not abide by new demands concerning its nuclear programme. “We have always cooperated with the international body, even beyond some agency standards… But, we will not accept additional undertakings,” Abbasi said.