
Comment and Opinion

Ynetnews: Victory for Tehran, by Smadar Peri


“Here is another reason why Israel must continue seeking ways to reconcile with Turkey and bring the “Marmara” affair to a close. National pride has gotten the better of both sides, and no one is disputing the fact that we have lost an important strategic partner.

Turkey is the only country that spat directly in the face of the Revolutionarily Guards, Khamenei and the ayatollahs and said: We will not be attending the gathering of nonaligned nations in Tehran. President Gul is “busy,” Prime Minister Erdogan has “health problems,” and even Foreign Minister Davutoglu found more important things to do.

The summit would not have attracted any attention had it not been held in Tehran. The Non-Aligned Movement, which was established following the collapse of the Soviet Union and managed to recruit 119 nations, does not have sharp teeth. But hosting the summit marks a victory for Iran, which is breaking out of its isolation – if only temporarily.

A red carpet will be rolled out for Morsi, who will hand the Non-Aligned Movement’s keys to Ahmadinejad. If it were up to him, the Egyptian president would have remained in Cairo rather than scrap the 33-year-old boycott, which began when Egypt closed its embassy in Tehran.”

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