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It will depend very much on what the resolution says as to how the international community in general and the EU in particular, votes.

My government will be happy to work with the new Turkish government on finding a resolution to all outstanding issues between our countries, in the hope of re-establishing our cooperation and renewing the spirit of friendship which has characterised the relations between our peoples for many generations.

The debate over how many Jews and how many Palestinians will be between the Jordan and the sea is irrelevant. It does not matter to me whether there are half a million more Palestinians or less because I have no wish to annex them into Israel. I want to separate from them so that they will not be Israeli citizens. I am interested that there be a solid Jewish majority inside the State of Israel. Inside its borders, as these will be defined.

I think neither side has much time. We have to act dynamically. If you go for a declaration, you have a declaration. You won‘t have a change in the situation. It‘s not enough to declare, you have to agree.

It will remain (on) paper and it will raise false hopes…Can you stop terror, United Nations? Can you stop the politics of Iran that finances Hezbollah and finances Hamas? Can you stop the smuggling of arms? … And if the United Nations cannot answer it, so what is the value of their resolution?

If someone wants to do anything positive, he should push for the direct negotiations. I hope that at least those countries that are genuinely interested to support the peace process, understand this.