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I have made it clear to the French FM that Hamas must adopt the Quartet principles. If the claim that a new wind is blowing from Hamas, that could be proven by freeing Gilad Shalit. We very much appreciate our French friends, and I shall respond [to the offer] after we have weighed the issues. We will study the proposal, and discuss it with our American friends.

The negotiations between Israel and Hamas, ongoing in Cairo with Egyptian mediation, are close to completion.

The State of Israel should only go to war in two instances: if you‘ve been attacked you must defend yourself. The second reason is if there is a gun to your head-that is to say, that conflict is unavoidable and the only way to minimize the threat is to use violence. Even then, you must give very careful thought to the decision.

No one has the power to stop the decision to recognize a Palestinian state in the UN General Assembly in September…it is impossible to recognize a Palestinian state without passing through the Security Council and such a move is bound to fail

We strongly hope that the entire civilized world will come to realize what threat this regime is posing and take joint action to avert the nuclear threat posed by Iran, even if it would be necessary to conduct a pre-emptive strike…An Iran possessing nuclear weapons would be a threat to the entire civilized world.

As Israeli citizens, we announce that if and when the Palestinian people declare independence of a sovereign state that will exist next to Israel in peace and security, we will support such the announcement of the Palestinian State with borders based on the 1967 lines, with needed land swaps on a 1:1 basis.