
Media Summary

Obama’s state of the union highlights Iranian threat


The UK media continues to follow the ongoing tension surrounding Iran’s nuclear drive. The Daily Telegraph covers Foreign Minister William Hague’s comments that sanctions are intended to increase the pressure for a ‘peaceful settlement’. The paper, along with the Independent, note that Britain is preparing to send more naval forces to defend the Strait of Hormuz. Several papers raise concern over a potential attack on Iran. The Financial Times focuses on the Arab Spring and Israel’s relations with its neighbours. BBC online marks the anniversary of the protests in Egypt. The Times covers the recent anthrax threat at various Israeli Embassies.

In the Israeli media Maariv and Yisrael Hayom lead with a foiled plot to attack Israeli targets in Azerbaijan. There are conflicting reports on the intended target being either the Israeli Ambassador or the Jewish Community. There is a consensus that an Iranian backed terrorist cell planned this. In their online editions, all papers cover US President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address highlighting his commitment to Israel’s security and the prevention of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. In domestic news Yediot Ahronot, Maariv and Haaretz cover the alleged harassment of a senior official within the Prime Minister’s office. Yisrael Hayom runs a story that broke on Channel 2 News last night, suggesting that Kadima, the main opposition party, hired a private investigator to follow Mr and Mrs Netanyahu during the 2009 election campaign. Haaretz highlights the split in the Kadima parliamentary faction between the two leading leadership candidates. Yediot Ahronot and Yisrael Hayom cover the announcement that Israeli film ‘Footnote’ is a candidate for best foreign film at this year’s Academy Awards.