
Media Summary

Palestinians abandon peace talks, refuse to hear Israeli position


In the UK media, the Times reports that Hezbollah and Iranian agents are behind attacks against anti-regime protestors in Syria. The fate of the tentative Israel and Palestinians negotiations is also discussed with the Independent running the headline, ‘Palestinians to walk away from Peace talks,’ following comments from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Similarly the Times mentions developments in the mediation efforts. The Guardian publishes a number of readers’ letters responding to their report on Palestinian juvenile detainees, with the majority supporting the article’s claims, including one signed by representatives of pro-Palestinian groups. The Telegraph has a report looking at the “unfinished business” of the revolution in Egypt one year on. They also have an analysis that states, “The Muslim Brotherhood is not the Taliban.”

In the Israeli media, all outlets cover the apparent failed attempts to reignite the peace process with the completion of the fifth meeting of the parties in Amman yesterday. Haaretz and Yisrael Hayom report on the latest cyber-attack by pro-Palestinian activists, this time targeting a Tel Aviv hospital and Haaretz’s Hebrew language site. Ma’ariv leads on army reservists and new recruits protesting what they consider discrimination of the Tal law, perpetuating the ultra-orthodox avoidance of military service. Jerusalem Post and Ynetnews cover the latest ISIS (US Institute for Science and International Security) report that claims Iran will not pursue nuclear weapon in 2012. Coverage of the alleged harassment of women by Natan Eshel, a senior official within the Prime Minister’s office, continues across the board.  The Jerusalem Post and Maariv follow the latest developments ahead of the Kadima leadership elections.