
Media Summary

Report: Obama persuaded Netanyahu to give Iran sanctions time


In the UK media most outlets continue their coverage on Syria. The Guardian online reports on 200 rockets fired in 3 hours at a rebel neighbourhood in the Syrian city of Homs. The Times says the US are studying the possibility of giving military aid to Syrian rebel.  BBC online says the Arab League monitors may return. In print, the Guardian has analysis that quotes former Israeli security chief Efraim Halevy referring to Syria as becoming ‘Iran’s Achilles heel.’ BBC online reports on an Islamic Jihad prisoner on hunger strike. The Financial Times has an opinion piece from the author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, arguing that Islamism as a political doctrine is held by the mainstream, particularly among Arabs. Stephen Pollard writing in the Telegraph mocks the BBC use of language regarding ‘extremists and radicals’. The Mirror has a prominent photo of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem handing out bananas as they celebrate Tu Bishvat.

In Israel, all media outlets report that after a night intensive negotiations, the Histadrut Labor Federation and the finance ministry were on the verge of signing an agreement to end a general strike in its second day. Ma’ariv runs an op-ed which argues the workers demands are legitimate, but the timing is politically convenient for labour unions chief Ofer Eini to raise his profile. Similar to the UK media, there is ongoing coverage of events in Syria.  Ma’ariv reminds its readers of the huge stocks of weapons, including chemical weapons, currently controlled by the regime. Yediot Ahronoth and Ma’ariv both note yesterday’s open house at the Knesset, which is celebrating its 63rd birthday. Yediot Ahronoth and Jerusalem Post report that budget cuts are starting to bite at the Ministry of Defence, which has led to the cancelling of various IDF training exercises. Yediot Ahronot, Yisrael Hayom and Haaretz all cover Gilad Shalit’s visit to Paris and his meeting with French President Sarkozy.