
Media Summary

Palestinian unity deal divides Hamas


In the UK and international media today, all major news sources continue to follow the violence in Syria. BBC Online, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph report that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described yesterday the UN’s failure to act against the Syrian oppression as ‘disastrous’ and announced that Arab League inspectors will resume their monitoring mission in Syria. The International Herald Tribune runs an extensive analysis on the differing opinions in Israel and the US whether Iran’s nuclear facilities are about to become resilient to a military strike. The Times reports that Saudi Arabia has threatened to obtain nuclear warheads if Iran successfully tests a nuclear device. The paper’s diplomatic editor Roger Boyes analyses Britain’s trade relations in the Middle East in light of the Iranian nuclear threat. The International Herald Tribune and the Financial Times analyse Russia’s support for Assad’s regime. The International Herald Tribune also reports on the general strike in Israel.

The Israeli press this morning widely covers the draft report issued by Israel’s State Comptroller on the Carmel forest fire, in which he assigns varying degrees of responsibility to different officials. The papers also follow the on going general strike in Israel and talks between trade unions and the government to bring it to an end. The Jerusalem Post reports that Turkey blocked Israel’s participation in a NATO operation. Ynetnews quotes a report by the Palestinian news agency el-Hayat, suggesting that the US may not oppose the recent unity deal agreed between Hamas and Fatah. Several papers also note that the Judges Selection Committee will convene this morning to decide officially on Judge Asher Grunis as the next chief justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post report that District Court Judge Yossef Shapira is likely to become the next State Comptroller.