
Media Summary

Investigators link Iranian bombers in Thailand and India blast


The UK media today widely covers the attempted terror attack in Thailand yesterday, following the two bombing attacks against Israeli diplomats on Monday. The Times prominently features the accusation that Iran is behind the bombings, a sentiment echoed in most papers. The Independent runs a comment piece warning that the attacks may spark conflict in the region. The Financial Times has a couple of articles noting Hamas leaders have recently been visiting several Middle East countries and suggests that the Arab uprisings have given them newfound regional legitimacy. The Daily Telegraph runs an opinion piece by former foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind arguing that an economic blockade should be imposed on Syria. The Guardian has detailed coverage from the Sinai, reflected on the harsh conditions of the Bedouin, the volatility of the peninsula and the renewed terrorist activities against Israel since the fall of Mubarak. BBC online and Reuters cover the closing of the power station in Gaza due to lack of fuel being smuggled in from Egypt.

The Israeli media heavily focuses on the Iranian threat to Israeli and Jewish targets worldwide, with the story featuring prominently in all outlets. All papers cover the premature detonations of the bombs. Israel Hayom highlights the level of planning, including dossiers prepared on the targets and their travel routes. Both Israel Hayom and Haaretz criticise the intelligence agencies for failing to uncover the terrorists plans. The Jerusalem Post asks how Israel can use the bombings as diplomatic leverage against Iran. In other news, Israel Hayom and Yediot Ahronot continue to focus on events in Syria and quote Israel’s UN Ambassador Ron Prosor calling on the international community to take action to stop Syria. In the wake of IDF budget cuts, Jerusalem Post speculates that US Congress could increase Israel defence funding. Ynetnews reports that PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal will meet in Gaza later this month. Domestically Israel Hayom report that Shlomi Lachiani, mayor of Bat Yam, may run for the leadership of Kadima.  Lastly, a new English language news source The Times of Israel was launched yesterday, founded by former Jerusalem Post editor in chief David Horovitz.