
Media Summary



In today’s UK media, the Times notes contingency plans drawn up by a coalition including Britain and Israel to safeguard Syria’s chemical weapons. The article quotes BICOM senior fellow Brig.-Gen. Michael Herzog saying “there was discussion ongoing between governments over military planning.” The Guardian reveals evidence that links Iran to the attempted bombing of Israeli targets in Dehli. The Financial Times and the Guardian look at the latest diplomatic engagement over Iran’s nuclear programme in Russia that begins today. BBC online and the Guardian follow the Egyptian presidential elections. BBC online and Independent report that two Palestinians were shot dead as they attempted a car robbery. The Independent reveal German intelligence files from the 1972 Munich Olympic Games massacre that show neo-Nazis assisted the Palestinian terrorists. The Independent also notes that Southern Sudanese migrants were repatriated this weekend from Israel.

On Sunday, the Israeli media focused on the two rockets fired into southern Israel from Sinai. Haaretz assesses that the rockets were fired by Hamas at the behest of the Muslim Brotherhood. Similarly, Israel Hayom links the attack to the Egyptian presidential elections and suggests it was meant to illicit an Israeli response that would undermine the Egyptian military. Yediot Ahronot and Maariv also lead on the Egyptian elections. Several papers feature prominently the repatriation of migrant workers from South Sudan. Israel Hayom and Haaretz have an account from a member of the committee responsible for new legislation concerning the military draft, that the law will only apply to ultra orthodox Jews and not Israeli Arabs. This view has been harshly criticised by other committee members. Israel Hayom has a report that despite the tension between the governments a delegation of Turkish academics and educators will be arriving in Israel today to attend a conference at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial.

In breaking news this morning, the Israeli digital media reports on a coordinated terror attack on the Sinai border. One Israeli was killed when terrorists crossed the border into Israel. Yediot Ahronot and Haaretz lead on the Greek election and the European bailout. All the papers continue to report on the repatriated South Sudanese migrants. Yediot Ahronot quotes one saying “we have an Independent country, everyone should come back.” Yediot Ahronot and Israel Hayom  prominently run letters from female IDF officers who are concerned that drafting ultra orthodox into the armed forces will be detrimental for women in the IDF. Israel Hayom analyses the upcoming round of talks between Iran and the P5+1 as Iran’s last chance. Talks begin today in Moscow. Yediot Ahronot notes the cabinet decision to form a ministerial committee to look into settlement issues. Defence Minister Barak and newly appointed deputy Prime Minister Mofaz opposed the decision because of its right wing majority. All the papers cover the attempted carjacking that led to two Palestinians being shot by the Israeli driver. Maariv reports on the hilltop youth preparing to take a stand in the Ulpana Hill neighbourhood which is scheduled to be evicted at the end of the month.