

Netanyahu reiterates the need for defensible borders at AIPAC


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the AIPAC policy conference in Washington last night, in a speech that emphasised the long and strong standing relations between Israel and the US. Netanyahu addressed economic and diplomatic developments and reiterated his response to US President Barack Obama earlier in the week, namely that Israel cannot return to ‘indefensible’ 1967 borders. ‘Tomorrow in Congress I’ll describe what a peace between a Palestinian state and a Jewish state could look like,’ Netanyahu said, ‘but I want to ensure you of one thing: It must leave Israel with security, and therefore Israel cannot return to the indefensible 1967 lines.’

Netanyahu thanked the United States for its commitment to Israel’s security and its right to defend itself. Netanyahu called the US an ‘indispensable ally’ and said that the US president has backed up his words with deeds regarding the strong relationship between the two countries. Regarding his address to Congress later on today, Netanyahu said his invitation to speak is a sign of US support for Israel and that he plans to address issues surrounding Iran and outline Israel’s vision for a secure peace deal with the Palestinians.

On the topic of a peace deal with the Palestinians, Netanyahu said that Israel could only make peace if the Palestinians are prepared to accept Israel as a Jewish state. Netanyahu also called on Hamas to release captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit from Gaza.

Regarding the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, Netanyahu said that recent events make it clear that the regional problems are not rooted in Israel. The problems that citizens’ face in these countries, Netanyahu said, have nothing to do with Israel. ‘Israel’s not what’s wrong with the Middle East. Israel is what’s right about the Middle East,’ Netanyahu said and added that democracy and freedom will solve the problems in these countries.