

New edition of Fathom Journal released

The 18th edition of Fathom, BICOM’s quarterly research journal, is out now. Fathom 18 is a bumper issue offering 30 pieces...

Russia in the Middle East

Russia is taking advantage of regional chaos and US retrenchment to extend its influence throughout the Middle East. Moscow sees...

Strategic assessment | Amid de-escalation in southern Syria: How to stop the Iranian push for regional dominance

The July de-escalation agreement for southern Syria concluded by Russia, the US and Jordan has generally ensured relative quiet on...

Fathom | Oslo – Staging the “White Man’s Burden”

To mark the Tony Award winning play Oslo opening in London this September, based on the Oslo Peace Process, Einat Wilf analyses...

Fathom | “The assumption that a conflict of over 100 years can be solved by a piece of paper is totally detached from reality”: an interview with Yair Hirschfeld

As the play Oslo opens in London, BICOM Director of Research Calev Ben-Dor sat down with Yair Hirschfeld who was, with Ron Pundak,...

Fathom | “We have to share the land somehow. But for peace, the Palestinians must change their narrative”: an interview with Yossi Kupperwasser

Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser was chief of the research division in IDF Military Intelligence, and until recently, director general...